Our desire to serve also manifests itself through our ministries.

  • Acolytes & Worship Servers

    An acolyte is someone who assists the Priest during Sunday Service. They assist the Priest by leading the Priest in at the start of service; lead the Priest out during the ending of service, carrying the cross, light the candles, during the offering provide offering plates to ushers, assist with communion, for example, if parishioners are unable to come to the altar provide assistance to the Priest when bringing communion to the parishioner. Assist during the reading of the gospel. St. Philips Acolytes are ages ranging from youth starting at age 10 to adults. Each Acolyte is assigned a specific Sunday to assist monthly.

  • Alleluia Kids Club

    Alleluia Club is held once a month during the school year. It is a time for families and children to learn more about the basics of the Christian faith and have family friendly worship experience. We share a meal together in the social hall, and then we go upstairs to the sanctuary for a short time of worship (10 minutes) followed by a Bible story. After the story we make a craft related to the Bible story. We encourage our congregation as well as the neighborhood families to join us.

  • Altar Guild

    The mission of the Altar Guild, of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, is to prepare for the meeting of the people with God.  It is our vocation to faithfully carry out the rector’s orders, care for linens, vestments, vessels and flowers to the greater glory of God.

  • Building and Grounds

    On behalf of the Junior Warden, maintain upkeep of the interior and exterior building and grounds.

  • Choir

    A body of singers who provide musical leadership for congregational singing in the worship of the church. To lead and support worship through music, not to provide a musical performance.

  • Christian Formation – Youth

    We are a small, but powerful group. Activities within the congregation include church plays, presentation and celebrating our role in God’s holy order.

  • Convention Delegates

    Represents St. Philip’s as a contributing member of the Diocese of Western Michigan. They attend the Diocese Convention and Grand Valley Deanery Meetings.

  • Counters

    Responsible for collecting and accounting for our gifts for the glory of God.

  • Daughters of the King

    A spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of Prayer, Service and Evangelism. They are lay and ordained women who have made a commitment to Jesus as our Savior, and we follow Him as Lord of our lives.

  • Duncan Price Scholarship

    The Duncan-Price Scholarship was designed to help St. Philip’s active young members with some assistance as they matriculate through college. Mr. Duncan received his high school diploma as a senior citizen and Dr. Bert was the highest ranking GVSU administrator, who had recently died, when the scholarship was created.

  • Episcopal Church Women

    Empowers women to do Christ’s ministry in the church. All women of St. Philip’s  Episcopal Church are members of E.C.W.

  • Finance & Stewardship

    Supports the Vestry and treasurer in developing annual budget and management of church’s financial resources.

  • John M. Burgess Wellness Center, a 501©3 non-profit

    In 2005, a 501© (3) non-profit health initiative was established and housed at St. Philip’s.  Named after the first American-born Black Episcopal Bishop in the nation, and a former priest of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, the wellness center is designed mainly to address health and environmental issues, as well as health disparities and community inequities in the African American community.  However, given its scope and focus, people from all communities are welcome to participate and benefit from its services.  Programs have included nutrition classes, exercise classes, informational seminars on diabetes and hypertension, and on environmental health concerns such as lead poisoning and rodent control.

  • Kids of the King Choir

  • Lay Eucharistic Ministers

    Lay person licensed by the bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the Eucharist. Share the sacrament with members unable to attend the Eucharist because of illness or infirmity.

  • Lectors

    Lay persons appointed by the clergy leader to read lessons or lead the prayers of the people. Volunteers must have good public speaking and reading skills. Training required.

  • Lenten Study Group

  • Martin Luther  King Jr. Leadership Academy Partnership and Science Club

    Mentorship and outreach as a community partner to our neighborhood school.

  • Men’s Club

    Provides a vehicle for the men of the parish to share their talents in numerous activities to serve the greater community while strengthening the fellowship of the men of the church.All men of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church are members the Men’s Club.

    Activities are intended to enhance fellowship among the men of the church through social activities, to provide assistance to members of our St. Philip’s family during difficult times and to raise funds to support outreach opportunities.

  • Music Ministry

    To inspire, encourage, train, and direct those whom God has called into the music ministry with a spirit of service, excellence, sensitivity, purity, humility and strength.

  • Office Volunteers

    Support the office manager in compiling the weekly bulletin, special service bulletins, mailings, telephone calls and other duties as assigned.

  • Outreach and Community Giving

    We make every attempt to extend a helping hand to your neighbors in the surrounding community. This is especially important because we are located in an underserved area of the city. Therefore , we try to provide programs that will benefit both children and adults. Knowing as we do that many in our neighborhood need practical assistance to make their daily lives easier, we provide holiday food baskets, clothing, and school supplies.  In 2012 we sponsored our first food truck for area residents.

  • Special Events

  • Stewardship

    Year round effort to strengthen parishioners’ enthusiastic giving of financial resources, time and talent.

  • Sunday School

  • Ushering

    An usher is the first person that anyone sees when they arrive to church and as such plays an important role in making people feel welcome to the service. They also serve during communion.

  • Vacation Bible School

  • Vestry

    A seven member board elected at the annual meeting. Have legal responsibility to ensure effective organization, planning and management of church resources and finances.

  • Worship Committee